Club Member Tournament Wins

This table lists the number of tournament victories each club member has earned across all teams a club member has been part of. A club member is required to have fished in a tournament in order to be counted in this table. Each club member with at least 1 win is listed here.

Rank Name Wins Tournaments Percentage
1 Mike Calloway 36 272 13.24%
2 Ralph Litton 21 88 23.86%
2 Larry Cruce 21 229 9.17%
4 Lloyd Griffin 20 126 15.87%
5 Dwayne Haga 19 197 9.64%
5 Tim Iler 19 202 9.41%
7 Jim Folks 17 60 28.33%
7 Steve Bistarkey 17 85 20.00%
7 Bob Barnette 17 159 10.69%
10 Jackie Barber 16 142 11.27%
11 Raymond Taylor 13 175 7.43%
12 Charlie Coleman 12 51 23.53%
12 Clyde Taylor 12 187 6.42%
14 Rick Jenkins 11 147 7.48%
15 Jimmy Blount 10 102 9.80%
15 Cliff Semonski 10 229 4.37%
15 Mike Hampton 10 288 3.47%
18 Dave Metzler 9 73 12.33%
18 Alan Elder 9 241 3.73%
20 Karl Kearcher 8 70 11.43%
20 Bill Groseclose 8 97 8.25%
20 Fred Reid 8 103 7.77%
20 Tony Ciavarella 8 129 6.20%
20 Tim Kopf 8 218 3.67%
25 Brian Wical 7 44 15.91%
25 Tony Shobert 7 52 13.46%
25 Kevin Yakubowski 7 68 10.29%
25 Brian Davidson 7 69 10.14%
25 Brian Cole 7 79 8.86%
30 Matt Hinman 6 33 18.18%
30 William Flood 6 65 9.23%
30 BJ Biles 6 78 7.69%
33 Matt Byrd 5 72 6.94%
33 Buddy Perry 5 78 6.41%
35 Santos Solis 4 15 26.67%
35 Ryan Blount 4 19 21.05%
35 Craig Cashion 4 21 19.05%
35 Dave Tripp 4 26 15.38%
35 John Kinchen 4 36 11.11%
35 Gary Hinman 4 48 8.33%
35 Keith Braun 4 90 4.44%
35 Jack Berry 4 105 3.81%
35 Richard Boogaerts 4 106 3.77%
35 Wayne Smith 4 188 2.13%
45 Mike Handschuh 3 14 21.43%
45 Ken Sweet 3 14 21.43%
45 Robert Kimbrough 3 17 17.65%
45 Tommy Gates 3 38 7.89%
45 Roger Marek 3 47 6.38%
45 Buddy Byrd 3 50 6.00%
45 Justin Neal 3 51 5.88%
45 Aaron Marek 3 54 5.56%
45 Don Hinman 3 79 3.80%
54 Tony Demao 2 8 25.00%
54 Zack Taylor 2 9 22.22%
54 John Dickinson 2 11 18.18%
54 Tom Gates 2 11 18.18%
54 Greg Blevins 2 11 18.18%
54 Howard Beigler 2 11 18.18%
54 Pete Nasworthy 2 14 14.29%
54 Jake Hinman 2 15 13.33%
54 Michael Morrison 2 16 12.50%
54 Vincent Verzi 2 16 12.50%
54 Mike Stevens 2 16 12.50%
54 John Randall 2 18 11.11%
54 Don Myrick 2 18 11.11%
54 Rich Gerlach 2 19 10.53%
54 Jimmy Haggerty 2 21 9.52%
54 Shawn Callahan 2 21 9.52%
54 Mikhal Moberg 2 26 7.69%
54 Eric Amos 2 30 6.67%
54 Gary Brill 2 31 6.45%
54 Jeff Crews 2 34 5.88%
54 Clark Ford 2 36 5.56%
54 Tom Southwick 2 49 4.08%
54 Scott Evans 2 49 4.08%
54 Daville Williams 2 51 3.92%
54 Walt Sadowsky 2 54 3.70%
54 Joe Jenkins 2 59 3.39%
54 Ken Winter 2 71 2.82%
81 Jon Quinn 1 1 100.00%
81 Lou Hawthorne 1 1 100.00%
81 Clarence Jones 1 1 100.00%
81 Daryl Devries 1 2 50.00%
81 Mike Hubbard 1 3 33.33%
81 Micheal Handschuh 1 3 33.33%
81 Chris Novak 1 7 14.29%
81 Dave Folsom 1 7 14.29%
81 Kirk Williams 1 9 11.11%
81 Jay Martin 1 10 10.00%
81 Jeff Martin 1 11 9.09%
81 Leslie Hope 1 12 8.33%
81 Tim Allison 1 12 8.33%
81 Dustin Beard 1 13 7.69%
81 Nick Hampton 1 14 7.14%
81 Jerry Delong 1 14 7.14%
81 Jeff Molner 1 15 6.67%
81 Mark Williams 1 16 6.25%
81 Justin Sonnier 1 17 5.88%
81 Zander Hampton 1 19 5.26%
81 Mike Moffet 1 21 4.76%
81 Andrew Nelson 1 21 4.76%
81 Brice Stevenson 1 22 4.55%
81 Jay Richards 1 26 3.85%
81 Thomas Gates 1 27 3.70%
81 Preston Humphries 1 32 3.13%
81 Roger Averill 1 33 3.03%
81 Greg Clark 1 48 2.08%
81 Gene Ridenour 1 58 1.72%
81 Neil Ridenour 1 61 1.64%
81 Jay Stein 1 69 1.45%
81 Ed Brewer 1 83 1.20%

Club Member Tournament Top 3s

This table lists the number of tournaments each club member has earned a top 3 (1st, 2nd, or 3rd place) finish across all teams a club member has been part of. A club member is required to have fished in a tournament in order to be counted in this table. Each club member with at least 1 top 3 finish is listed here.

Rank Name Top 3s Tournaments Percentage
1 Mike Calloway 110 272 40.44%
2 Tim Iler 73 202 36.14%
3 Larry Cruce 69 229 30.13%
4 Cliff Semonski 57 229 24.89%
5 Dwayne Haga 50 197 25.38%
6 Bob Barnette 48 159 30.19%
7 Mike Hampton 47 288 16.32%
8 Lloyd Griffin 44 126 34.92%
9 Ralph Litton 42 88 47.73%
10 Jackie Barber 41 142 28.87%
10 Tim Kopf 41 218 18.81%
12 Steve Bistarkey 39 85 45.88%
13 Rick Jenkins 35 147 23.81%
14 Jim Folks 34 60 56.67%
14 Alan Elder 34 241 14.11%
16 Raymond Taylor 32 175 18.29%
17 Clyde Taylor 31 187 16.58%
18 Fred Reid 30 103 29.13%
19 Bill Groseclose 26 97 26.80%
20 Charlie Coleman 25 51 49.02%
21 Wayne Smith 24 188 12.77%
22 Brian Cole 23 79 29.11%
23 Tony Shobert 22 52 42.31%
24 Richard Boogaerts 20 106 18.87%
25 Dave Metzler 19 73 26.03%
25 BJ Biles 19 78 24.36%
27 William Flood 18 65 27.69%
27 Karl Kearcher 18 70 25.71%
27 Jimmy Blount 18 102 17.65%
27 Tony Ciavarella 18 129 13.95%
31 Brian Wical 16 44 36.36%
31 Brian Davidson 16 69 23.19%
33 Matt Hinman 14 33 42.42%
33 Buddy Perry 14 78 17.95%
33 Don Hinman 14 79 17.72%
36 Kevin Yakubowski 13 68 19.12%
36 Keith Braun 13 90 14.44%
36 Jack Berry 13 105 12.38%
39 Gary Hinman 12 48 25.00%
40 Rich Gerlach 11 19 57.89%
40 Walt Sadowsky 11 54 20.37%
40 Ken Winter 11 71 15.49%
40 Matt Byrd 11 72 15.28%
44 Santos Solis 10 15 66.67%
44 John Kinchen 10 36 27.78%
46 Tom Southwick 9 49 18.37%
46 Jay Stein 9 69 13.04%
48 Craig Cashion 8 21 38.10%
48 Eric Amos 8 30 26.67%
48 Gary Brill 8 31 25.81%
48 Daville Williams 8 51 15.69%
48 Aaron Marek 8 54 14.81%
48 Joe Jenkins 8 59 13.56%
54 Michael Morrison 7 16 43.75%
54 John Randall 7 18 38.89%
54 Jeff Crews 7 34 20.59%
54 Greg Clark 7 48 14.58%
54 Scott Evans 7 49 14.29%
54 Buddy Byrd 7 50 14.00%
54 Justin Neal 7 51 13.73%
54 Glen Semonski 7 56 12.50%
62 Jimmy Haggerty 6 21 28.57%
62 Mike Neal 6 39 15.38%
62 Roger Marek 6 47 12.77%
65 Howard Beigler 5 11 45.45%
65 Ken Sweet 5 14 35.71%
65 Justin Sonnier 5 17 29.41%
65 Don Myrick 5 18 27.78%
65 Ryan Blount 5 19 26.32%
65 Mike Moffet 5 21 23.81%
65 Dave Tripp 5 26 19.23%
65 Mikhal Moberg 5 26 19.23%
65 Roger Averill 5 33 15.15%
65 Clark Ford 5 36 13.89%
65 Bill Boogaerts 5 50 10.00%
65 Ed Brewer 5 83 6.02%
77 John Dickinson 4 11 36.36%
77 Leslie Hope 4 12 33.33%
77 Tim Allison 4 12 33.33%
77 Dustin Beard 4 13 30.77%
77 Mike Handschuh 4 14 28.57%
77 Jake Hinman 4 15 26.67%
77 Mike Stevens 4 16 25.00%
77 Robert Kimbrough 4 17 23.53%
77 Rob Branagh 4 17 23.53%
77 Shawn Callahan 4 21 19.05%
77 Erick Pickton 4 22 18.18%
77 Brice Stevenson 4 22 18.18%
77 Clayton Clark 4 43 9.30%
90 Tony Demao 3 8 37.50%
90 Mark Burt 3 10 30.00%
90 Kevin Stevenson 3 10 30.00%
90 Jack Burt 3 11 27.27%
90 Greg Blevins 3 11 27.27%
90 Pete Nasworthy 3 14 21.43%
90 Mark Williams 3 16 18.75%
90 Doug Oldham 3 24 12.50%
90 Adam Brands 3 27 11.11%
90 Don Brannen 3 30 10.00%
90 Preston Humphries 3 32 9.38%
90 Don Francoeur 3 34 8.82%
90 Tommy Gates 3 38 7.89%
90 Gene Ridenour 3 58 5.17%
90 Neil Ridenour 3 61 4.92%
105 Roger Gonzalez 2 2 100.00%
105 Mike Hubbard 2 3 66.67%
105 Bill Rucker 2 3 66.67%
105 Bob Hall 2 4 50.00%
105 Daniel Kincaid 2 5 40.00%
105 Roger Folsom 2 5 40.00%
105 Dave Folsom 2 7 28.57%
105 Bill Bryant 2 7 28.57%
105 Rich Boogaerts 2 8 25.00%
105 Zack Taylor 2 9 22.22%
105 Mike Watson 2 9 22.22%
105 Kirk Williams 2 9 22.22%
105 Sean Burt 2 9 22.22%
105 Mike Moreno 2 10 20.00%
105 Tom Gates 2 11 18.18%
105 Nick Hampton 2 14 14.29%
105 Jerry Delong 2 14 14.29%
105 Vincent Verzi 2 16 12.50%
105 Lewis Garcia 2 17 11.76%
105 Thomas Taylor 2 20 10.00%
105 Jay Richards 2 26 7.69%
105 Greg Pugesik 2 27 7.41%
105 Justin Koether 2 28 7.14%
105 Alan Hough 2 36 5.56%
129 Lou Hawthorne 1 1 100.00%
129 Cory Yost 1 1 100.00%
129 John Saladino 1 1 100.00%
129 Jon Quinn 1 1 100.00%
129 Jayson Hendron 1 1 100.00%
129 Clarence Jones 1 1 100.00%
129 Jason Gonzalez 1 1 100.00%
129 Yogi Norris 1 1 100.00%
129 Daryl Devries 1 2 50.00%
129 David Lloyd 1 2 50.00%
129 Micheal Handschuh 1 3 33.33%
129 Bill Boyett 1 4 25.00%
129 Gene Dowdy 1 4 25.00%
129 Rick Screws 1 4 25.00%
129 Ron Baker 1 5 20.00%
129 Dan Newman 1 5 20.00%
129 Roger Baker 1 5 20.00%
129 Justin Reasner 1 6 16.67%
129 Cody Dentmon 1 6 16.67%
129 Dan Keyes 1 7 14.29%
129 Chris Novak 1 7 14.29%
129 Steven Clark 1 7 14.29%
129 Joe Crosbie 1 8 12.50%
129 John Diefenbaugh 1 8 12.50%
129 Jay Martin 1 10 10.00%
129 William Sullivan 1 11 9.09%
129 Zack Malone 1 11 9.09%
129 Jeff Martin 1 11 9.09%
129 Marshall Hastings 1 12 8.33%
129 David Fitts 1 12 8.33%
129 Robert Kite 1 12 8.33%
129 Matt Griffin 1 12 8.33%
129 Craig Mira 1 13 7.69%
129 Jeff Molner 1 15 6.67%
129 Mike Knecht 1 18 5.56%
129 Zander Hampton 1 19 5.26%
129 Andrew Nelson 1 21 4.76%
129 Thomas Gates 1 27 3.70%
129 Greg Ridenour 1 46 2.17%

Club Member Biggest Bass

This table lists the biggest fish each member has caught. It is not a list of the biggest fish caught in competition as each club member is only listed once. This table is based mostly on the big bass winning fish of each tournament, so it may not accurately reflect the biggest fish each club member has caught. The club doesn't track which team member catches each fish outside of the big bass pot winner, so that explains why your biggest fish may not be listed here. If you caught a big fish, but it isn't listed because someone beat you out for big bass, tell the secretary and you'll be properly credited on this list.

Rank Name Weight Lake Date
1 Wayne Smith 11.66 Lake Okeechobee March 18, 2006
2 Ralph Litton 10.67 Lake Okeechobee March 22, 2003
3 Tim Iler 10.49 Lake Kissimmee April 27, 2014
4 Aaron Marek 10.43 Lake Kissimmee November 21, 2021
5 BJ Biles 10.39 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 28, 2016
6 Brian Wical 10.18 Lake Kissimmee April 29, 2018
7 Kevin Yakubowski 10.15 West Lake Tohopekaliga May 21, 2006
8 Dwayne Haga 10.10 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 27, 2022
9 Tony Ciavarella 9.90 Lake Cypress February 26, 2012
10 Larry Cruce 9.78 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 28, 2010
11 Gary Hinman 9.67 Lake Kissimmee April 26, 2020
12 Robert Kimbrough 9.65 Lake Kissimmee June 30, 2019
13 Mike Calloway 9.49 Lake Kissimmee January 30, 2022
14 Jim Folks 9.46 Miami-Garcia Impoundment November 21, 1999
15 Clyde Taylor 9.43 Lake Kissimmee April 27, 2014
16 Jackie Barber 9.40 Lake Okeechobee March 23, 2014
17 Raymond Taylor 9.33 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 24, 2013
18 Lou Hawthorne 9.21 Mullet Lake Park July 30, 2006
19 Charlie Coleman 9.16 Lake Kissimmee April 27, 2003
20 John Kinchen 9.15 West Lake Tohopekaliga May 7, 2023
21 Jay Stein 9.00 Lake Washington July 26, 2015
22 Matt Byrd 8.83 Blue Cypress Lake January 28, 2018
23 Tim Kopf 8.81 Lake Kissimmee May 22, 2016
24 Glen Semonski 8.80 Lake Okeechobee March 24, 2002
25 Matt Hinman 8.72 Lake Poinsett October 31, 2021
26 Mike Hampton 8.58 Miami-Garcia Impoundment August 31, 2014
27 Kirk Williams 8.53 Miami-Garcia Impoundment April 24, 2016
28 Jack Berry 8.42 Lake Kissimmee August 26, 2018
29 Steve Bistarkey 8.41 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 28, 2010
30 Buddy Perry 8.40 Lake Washington July 26, 2020
31 Bill Groseclose 8.35 West Lake Tohopekaliga May 31, 2020
31 Rick Jenkins 8.35 West Lake Tohopekaliga May 19, 2002
33 Brian Cole 8.33 3 Forks Lake April 24, 2022
34 Jeff Crews 8.24 Lake Weohyakapka January 23, 2000
35 Karl Kearcher 8.22 Miami-Garcia Impoundment May 22, 2022
36 Roger Averill 8.21 Blue Cypress Lake June 25, 2023
37 Charlie Rigby 8.13 Lake Poinsett October 25, 2020
38 Rich Gerlach 8.03 Lake Okeechobee March 25, 2000
39 Ken Winter 8.01 Lake Okeechobee March 26, 2017
40 Preston Humphries 7.96 Lake Okeechobee March 25, 2018
41 Truman Patterson 7.93 Lake Poinsett October 27, 2019
42 Rob Branagh 7.88 Miami-Garcia Impoundment August 28, 2022
43 Lloyd Griffin 7.83 Lake Cypress May 22, 2005
44 Cliff Semonski 7.79 Lake Kissimmee February 24, 2019
45 Richard Boogaerts 7.58 Lake Kissimmee June 25, 2006
46 Craig Cashion 7.51 Lake Cypress November 19, 2017
47 Alan Elder 7.50 Miami-Garcia Impoundment April 24, 2016
47 Daville Williams 7.50 Lake Okeechobee April 28, 2012
49 Bob Barnette 7.37 Harris Chain April 17, 2011
50 Tom Gates 7.34 Miami-Garcia Impoundment January 28, 2024
51 Michael Morrison 7.22 Lake Okeechobee March 24, 2024
51 Santos Solis 7.22 Miami-Garcia Impoundment November 16, 2014
53 Dave Tripp 7.21 3 Forks Lake April 25, 2021
53 Fred Reid 7.21 Lake Okeechobee March 25, 2023
55 Tony Shobert 7.17 East Lake Tohopekaliga February 25, 2001
56 Keith Braun 7.08 Blue Cypress Lake June 26, 2022
57 Jimmy Blount 6.91 Miami-Garcia Impoundment August 27, 2017
58 Greg Clark 6.90 Miami-Garcia Impoundment June 28, 2020
59 Brian Davidson 6.87 East Lake Tohopekaliga September 27, 2020
60 Gary Smith 6.81 Lake Washington September 24, 2000
61 Bill Bryant 6.69 West Lake Tohopekaliga January 29, 2012
62 Mark Burt 6.51 Blue Cypress Lake October 27, 2013
63 Justin Neal 6.43 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 23, 2020
64 Sean Burt 6.42 Lake Cypress February 23, 2014
65 Dustin Beard 6.39 Blue Cypress Lake June 30, 2024
66 Don Myrick 6.27 Lake Washington September 26, 1999
67 Eric Amos 6.25 Harris Chain April 25, 2010
68 Ed Brewer 6.18 Lake Washington August 26, 2007
69 Greg Blevins 6.16 Lake Okeechobee March 19, 2006
70 Don Hinman 6.13 Lake Kissimmee May 22, 2016
71 Greg Pugesik 6.07 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 27, 2022
72 Roger Marek 6.04 West Lake Tohopekaliga December 18, 2022
73 Thomas Taylor 6.03 Lake Okeechobee March 31, 2019
74 Buddy Byrd 6.02 Miami-Garcia Impoundment October 29, 2017
75 Dave Metzler 5.85 Lake Washington July 28, 2019
76 Brice Stevenson 5.83 Lake Harney February 27, 2000
77 Neil Ridenour 5.82 Mullet Lake Park June 29, 2003
78 Steven Clark 5.78 Lake Okeechobee March 26, 2011
79 Mike Knecht 5.65 Lake Weohyakapka January 23, 2000
80 Mike Moffet 5.62 East Lake Tohopekaliga July 29, 2000
81 Scott Evans 5.52 West Lake Tohopekaliga February 24, 2008
82 Clayton Clark 5.35 Lake Poinsett September 30, 2018
83 Joe Jenkins 5.10 Lake Okeechobee March 29, 2015
84 Mike Watson 4.90 Miami-Garcia Impoundment January 28, 2024
85 Gene Ridenour 4.88 Lake Kissimmee October 28, 2001
86 Howard Beigler 4.86 Mullet Lake Park June 27, 2004
87 Jayson Hendron 4.59 East Lake Tohopekaliga July 27, 2002
88 Mikhal Moberg 4.41 Lake Okeechobee March 23, 2024
89 Robert Kite 4.38 Lake Cypress August 28, 2005
90 Ryan Blount 3.97 Lake Kissimmee May 27, 2012
91 Walt Sadowsky 3.49 Lake Harney February 24, 2002
92 Tom Southwick 3.39 East Lake Tohopekaliga September 27, 2020
93 Jay Martin 3.38 Alligator Chain October 30, 2011
93 Tex Perry 3.38 Lake Kissimmee December 17, 2006
95 Clark Ford 3.16 Blue Cypress Lake June 30, 2024
96 Gary Brill 3.01 Lake Kissimmee May 27, 2012
97 John Diefenbaugh 2.98 West Lake Tohopekaliga May 21, 2017
98 David Lloyd 2.97 Lake Kissimmee October 26, 2014
98 Dave Austin 2.97 Miami-Garcia Impoundment February 26, 2023
100 Chip Jones 2.90 West Lake Tohopekaliga June 25, 2000
101 Keira Eidem 2.63 Lake Cypress February 22, 2015
102 Mike Moreno 2.40 Harris Chain May 21, 2023
103 Jay Richards 2.38 Harris Chain January 22, 2006
104 Craig Mira 2.07 Lake Kissimmee October 27, 2024
105 Brian Chapman 1.54 West Lake Tohopekaliga May 21, 2017

Most Club Member Tournament Big Bass

This table lists the number of times each club member has won the tournament big bass pot. Each club member that has ever won the big bass pot is listed here. Non-club members that won the big bass pot are not listed. Classic tournaments are included.

Rank Name Big Bass Tournament Days Percentage
1 Mike Calloway 26 327 7.95%
2 Dwayne Haga 18 226 7.96%
3 Larry Cruce 14 267 5.24%
4 Rick Jenkins 13 175 7.43%
5 Tim Iler 11 233 4.72%
6 Mike Hampton 10 338 2.96%
6 Alan Elder 10 282 3.55%
6 Lloyd Griffin 10 150 6.67%
9 Ralph Litton 9 104 8.65%
9 Clyde Taylor 9 215 4.19%
9 Steve Bistarkey 9 100 9.00%
12 Cliff Semonski 8 261 3.07%
12 Tony Ciavarella 8 151 5.30%
14 Bob Barnette 7 170 4.12%
14 Raymond Taylor 7 188 3.72%
16 Jack Berry 6 121 4.96%
16 Jim Folks 6 62 9.68%
18 Tony Shobert 5 57 8.77%
18 Jimmy Blount 5 118 4.24%
18 Jackie Barber 5 158 3.16%
18 Justin Neal 5 56 8.93%
18 Kevin Yakubowski 5 81 6.17%
18 Richard Boogaerts 5 121 4.13%
24 Tim Kopf 4 252 1.59%
24 Brian Cole 4 92 4.35%
24 Fred Reid 4 120 3.33%
24 Matt Hinman 4 38 10.53%
24 Aaron Marek 4 61 6.56%
24 Gary Hinman 4 60 6.67%
24 Brian Wical 4 51 7.84%
31 BJ Biles 3 87 3.45%
31 Buddy Perry 3 88 3.41%
31 John Kinchen 3 41 7.32%
31 Bill Groseclose 3 112 2.68%
31 Ken Winter 3 82 3.66%
31 Keith Braun 3 102 2.94%
37 Wayne Smith 2 221 0.90%
37 Charlie Coleman 2 58 3.45%
37 Jeff Crews 2 39 5.13%
37 Craig Cashion 2 25 8.00%
37 Don Hinman 2 91 2.20%
37 Matt Byrd 2 82 2.44%
37 Dave Tripp 2 29 6.90%
37 Gene Ridenour 2 59 3.39%
37 Gary Smith 2 28 7.14%
37 Kirk Williams 2 4 50.00%
37 Greg Clark 2 46 4.35%
37 Karl Kearcher 2 82 2.44%
37 Greg Blevins 2 15 13.33%
37 Eric Amos 2 32 6.25%
37 Don Myrick 2 20 10.00%
37 Santos Solis 2 15 13.33%
37 Dave Metzler 2 56 3.57%
37 Truman Patterson 2 12 16.67%
37 Brian Davidson 2 77 2.60%
56 Scott Evans 1 52 1.92%
56 Glen Semonski 1 66 1.52%
56 Bill Bryant 1 9 11.11%
56 Sean Burt 1 12 8.33%
56 Jay Stein 1 74 1.35%
56 Charlie Rigby 1 17 5.88%
56 Tom Gates 1 10 10.00%
56 Tex Perry 1 8 12.50%
56 Lou Hawthorne 1 1 100.00%
56 Robert Kite 1 15 6.67%
56 Neil Ridenour 1 67 1.49%
56 Jayson Hendron 1 1 100.00%
56 Ed Brewer 1 97 1.03%
56 Daville Williams 1 52 1.92%
56 Brice Stevenson 1 24 4.17%
56 Preston Humphries 1 32 3.13%
56 Robert Kimbrough 1 17 5.88%
56 Rob Branagh 1 22 4.55%
56 Michael Morrison 1 18 5.56%
56 Steven Clark 1 9 11.11%
56 Mark Burt 1 10 10.00%
56 Rich Gerlach 1 22 4.55%
56 Joe Jenkins 1 68 1.47%
56 Clayton Clark 1 49 2.04%
56 Roger Marek 1 53 1.89%
56 Mikhal Moberg 1 30 3.33%
56 Howard Beigler 1 10 10.00%
56 Walt Sadowsky 1 57 1.75%
56 Jay Martin 1 12 8.33%
56 Mike Moffet 1 25 4.00%
56 Buddy Byrd 1 55 1.82%
56 Thomas Taylor 1 17 5.88%
56 Roger Averill 1 40 2.50%
56 Dustin Beard 1 13 7.69%

Top 25 Solo Performances

The club strongly encourages people to fish in two person teams, but sometimes a team member can't make it and an alternate can't be found. These are the top 25 one day total weights by a club member fishing by themselves.

Rank Name Total Weight Fish Lake Date
1 Larry Cruce 25.58 5 Lake Okeechobee March 19, 2016
2 Santos Solis 23.42 5 Miami-Garcia Impoundment November 16, 2014
3 Mike Calloway 20.99 5 West Lake Tohopekaliga May 20, 2018
4 Mike Calloway 20.98 5 Miami-Garcia Impoundment June 30, 2013
4 Buddy Perry 20.98 5 Lake Kissimmee May 22, 2016
6 Justin Neal 20.39 5 East Lake Tohopekaliga September 29, 2019
7 Buddy Perry 20.02 5 Miami-Garcia Impoundment September 27, 2015
8 Larry Cruce 19.99 5 Lake Poinsett October 25, 2020
9 Larry Cruce 19.95 5 Lake Okeechobee March 27, 2011
10 Larry Cruce 19.87 5 Lake Okeechobee March 20, 2016
11 Larry Cruce 18.60 5 Lake Okeechobee March 26, 2023
12 Tony Ciavarella 18.11 5 Lake Washington July 27, 2014
13 Alan Elder 17.57 5 Lake Okeechobee March 23, 2013
14 Brian Cole 17.44 5 Lake Washington July 28, 2024
15 Larry Cruce 17.00 5 Miami-Garcia Impoundment December 20, 2020
16 Mike Calloway 16.56 5 Miami-Garcia Impoundment April 24, 2016
17 Tony Ciavarella 16.54 5 Lake Okeechobee March 27, 2011
18 Buddy Perry 16.45 5 Miami-Garcia Impoundment December 16, 2018
19 Brian Wical 15.90 5 Lake Kissimmee June 25, 2017
20 Cliff Semonski 15.78 5 Lake Kissimmee May 22, 2016
21 Karl Kearcher 15.33 5 Lake Okeechobee March 25, 2018
22 Dwayne Haga 15.23 5 Miami-Garcia Impoundment April 28, 2024
23 Tony Ciavarella 15.21 4 Lake Cypress February 26, 2012
24 Mike Calloway 15.19 5 Lake Okeechobee March 27, 2011
25 Fred Reid 15.16 5 Harris Chain May 19, 2024