Joining the club is as simple as showing up at the right place at the right time with a boat, some fishing poles, and a desire to catch some bass. This page is intended to provide some quick facts to assist prospective members in getting started.

  • The club uses a two person team format. We allow participants to fish solo but they will be competing against mostly two person teams.
  • New members are accepted from the start of the season in September until the end of May the following year. So, you can't join the club in June, July, or August.
  • Live bait is not allowed.
  • Tournaments start at safe light and end at 3pm. Safe light usually occurs about a half hour prior to the official sunrise.
  • Tournaments are usually held on the last Sunday of each month. See the schedule for exact dates and locations.
  • The tournament entry fee of $50 per boat must be paid in cash prior to each tournament. Entry fees are accepted at the boat ramp on tournament day.
  • Club dues are $25 per person per season and are payable at the first tournament a member participates in each season.
  • Please familiarize yourself with our rules and bylaws. The officers do not enjoy ruining members fun by disqualifying or otherwise penalizing teams, but the rules are taken seriously and are strictly enforced. Ignorance is no excuse for rule breaking.
  • The club doesn't actively enforce state laws unless they are also listed in the club rules, but you need to be aware of the laws and you are strongly encouraged to comply with them. You can find lots of information about Florida state laws at the FWC's website.
  • If you intend to join, please use the Contact Form to contact a club officer prior to appearing so we can assure the following:
    • We can make sure we have a spot for you. The club is limited to 30 teams by rule so it's best to contact us before hand so we don't have to turn you away at the ramp if we are full.
    • You know exactly where we'll be and when we will be there.