The last regular season tournament for Space Coast Bass Finatics at Lake Washington completed another great regular season of bass fishing competition for the thirty team club. A year filled with new records for the club and a lot of great times for the members. We worked thru the unfortunate loss of our elected president and vice-president, boat and trailer breakdowns, bad weather, low water, lake conditions and even the constant spraying of SJRWM to control those pesky green weeds. It is now time to think about the next season and what we want to do and where we want to go for the next adventure for the club members.
The day began with a hot and humid morning at 75' degree as is usual this time of year. The twenty-three teams checked in and the tournament began with the Vice-President, Buddy Perry, getting everyone together for a safety meeting and reminder of the end of tournament agenda, weigh-in location, time check and the end of year club business. Things were going smoothly up until Jack Spradlin took a bad fall in the parking lot and required some on the spot bandages for his elbow and knee but don't worry Bill Groseclose is still the clumsiest member in the club. Tim Iler had a wheel bearing problem on the way and needed fixing before the return trip to Titusville. Rick and Joe Jenkins lost engine power while going up the river and had to troll all the way back to the boat ramp which turned out to be a fortunate thing in the long run. Afternoon thunder, lightning and rain had some teams scurrying for cover early but only a few got wet. Thankfully the weather cooperated for the weigh-in and end of year festivities. Vice-President Buddy quickly got thru the weigh-in procedures with these results.
Rick Jenkins of Rockledge and Joe Jenkins of Merritt Island took first place with a limit weighing 13.60 pounds of hard to find Lake Washington bass. Over coming engine failure first thing in the morning while going up the river, they used the trolling motor and fished all the way back to the launch ramp with time to spare. On the way, they landed the second largest bass of the tournament at 5.11 pounds and another nice four pounder to fill out their limit. Using mostly senko's and fishing the edges where small patches of reeds and grass grew was the key to the victory. (and a broken motor)
Second place went to Brian Cole of Sebastian and Erick Pickton of Indian Harbor Beach with 12.60 pounds. Fishing up the canals off the main lake and using mostly senko's accounted for their limit which included a nice 4.31 pound kicker fish. They maintained their position in the AOY race but still finished only eight points out of first place.
Clayton Clark and Greg Clark both of Eau Gallie took third place with 12.17 pounds which was just enough to maintain their lead in the AOY points race. They also fished the canals off the main lake but used flukes and senko's to finish out a great year. They lead the way most of the year without winning a single tournament, two times in the top three and only one big bass, catching fifty seven bass along the way and posting a limit in every tournament except one.
Fourth place was taken by Brian Davidson of Melbourne and his alt. Bill Bethauser with a very important 11.46 pound limit. They reported that speed worms was their best bait on the lake . This weight propelled the team into the "Classic Tournament" wildcard position by finishing higher than any other team that qualified.
The small creel award goes to Buddy and Matt Byrd by way of the single fish weighed in at 1.20 pounds but came with a nice gift certificate from our friends at Strike Zone of Melbourne.
The tournament Big Bass goes to Dave Metzler of Debary who's 5.85 pound large mouth was the fish of the day. Using what he described as a stupid white top water old plug other wise known as a Zara Spook, he hooked the big bass some where up by the water intake structure. Nice Job
A special thanks goes out to Jennifer and Lloyd Hamilton for suppling not only the early morning breakfast sweets but also all the buns for the hambergers and hotdogs that were eagerly consumed by the club and their guests. Mr. BBQ, Kevin Small, supplied a fine feast for all those present. We should not forget Shawn Mecchella of Strike Zone of Melbourne who donated the gift certificates all year and let us use their banner as a ice backdrop for the photos that the club posts each month taken by Erick Pickton.
The club announced the winners of the Anglers of the Year Clayton and Greg Clark with 283 points
Biggest Bass of the Year Robert Kimbrough with his 9.65 pounder at Lake Kissimmee
12/12 limits Bill Groseclose and Fred Reid
Rick Jenkins and Joe Jenkins
Most total weigh Rick and Joe Jenkins with 139.87 pounds in 60 fish
Highest average weigh per fish Matt and Gary Hinman with 2.98 pounds
Most dead fish this year Jack Berry and Jimmy Blount
Smallest legal fish weighed in Mike Calloway and William Flood with a 0.78 pounder at West Lake Toho
The Classic tournament participates also nominated three site that the end of year finally could be held. They discussed each site pros and cons and called for a vote by show of hands. West Lake Toho won by a large margin and the launch site will be Whaley's Landing Ramp. There will also be an off limits period beginning on Monday the 19th to Saturday 24th at midnight. As per the club By-Laws there cannot be any alternates other than a present member of the club in good standing.

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Submitted by Mike Hampton on