Blue Cypress Lake surprise

Mike Hampton

Space Coast Bass Finatics members were quite surprised with the productivity of Blue Cypress Lake as it turned out to be one of the best tournaments we have recorded on that body of water. The past history of the lake coupled with the low water conditions and the reports from pre-fishing trips made it seem like it was going to be a very tough day to catch a limit or even one 12" bass. Just like last year when only 9 of the 24 teams weighed in a bass with 15 teams recording zeros seemed to be what awaited the club.

SCBF takes on Miami-Garcia Impoundment

Mike Hampton

Space Coast Bass Finatics gathered in Fellsmere for their eight tournament of the year on our favorite lake. The weather was perfect and the twenty-four teams who made the long trip south were met by the usual hoards of mosquitoes, low water conditions, fast growing hydrilla and another bass club from Jacksonville who decided to have their end of year Classic on the same lake. The club acted with our usual sportsmanship and let them leave first and choose the time of their weigh-in so as not to conflict with ours.

SCBF Two-Day at Lake Okeechobee

Mike Hampton

The lake was devoid of hydrilla and lilly pads due to the massive weed eradication program that the state has implemented to make the lake a better place for fish and recreation. They also lowered the lake level so that the silt and decaying debris would be easy to bring up with your trolling motor and making the water color brown with about 10 centimeters of visibility.

SCBF at Lake Kissimmee 2019

Mike Hampton

The SCBF 2018-2019 roster of thirty teams has finally been achieved with the addition of past club member Fred Handschuh and is partner Robert Floyd along with the final team of the year of Tommy Gates and his partner Thomas Gates. This, along with the addition of Robert Kimbrough, who is Dave Tripp's partner, completes the full team roster for this year. President Bill greeted the newest members along with all others at the Overstreet Launch Ramp, and explained the workings of the club and what to expect or do at the take off and weigh-in.

SCBF meets West Lake Toho and the weather with Courage and Fortitude

Mike Hampton

There was not much you can say about the Space Coast Bass Finatics tournament last Sunday the 27th of January on West Lake Toho that would make you smile except that it is over. The eighteen teams that braved the rainy and windy weather knew it was gong to be a tough day on the water and even harder to catch a limit and it certainly was. There were some good excuses for not fishing by the missing members and maybe they were right but they did miss some things that may not come by again.

Pre-Christmas tournament on Miami-Garcia Impoundment

Mike Hampton

The lake was full of obstacles for the club to over come on Sunday December 16th and not all were on the water. It seems that even pre-fishing the lake was full of unforeseen dangers as the parking lot was not secure and some unsavory characters ( low life's ) took advantage of the vehicles and their contents. The lake level was very low due to the lack of rainfall and the constant need of water to irrigate the fields and farms around Fellsmere.

East Lake Toho Challenge

Mike Hampton

Space Coast Bass Finatics held their third tournament of the season at Ralph Chisholm Park on East Lake Toho and there were many challenges to overcome before the day was over. The first seemed to be just to find the launch ramp after which finding a place to dock your boat without getting your feet wet was next. Finding fish in the lake or its adjoining lakes and canals proved to be just as tough. The club history on this body of water has been one of small fish, low weights, changing conditions, windy weather and down right dangerous conditions.

Fall Fishing has began at Cypress Lake

Mike Hampton

Space Coast Bass Finatics arrived early at the Cypress Lake ramp mainly to get a better parking place for the truck and trailer but due to some recent changes it was even worse than last year. The facility seems to be trying to limit the boat parking along with truck and trailer turning and parking space, along with closing off the bathroom facilities and digging bigger ditches. The twenty-five teams succeeded but it was tight and some near misses occurred when trying to park and back out of the parking area.

SCBF kicks off new season at Lake Poinsett

Mike Hampton

It's a new season for SCBF and that means we get to start all over with a clean slate. The returning past members and several new teams were greeted at the launch ramp at Lake Poinsett by this years President, Bill Groseclose. He welcomed everyone with his usual smile and handshake, giving each new and old member information and directing them to the registration table. The club now has twenty-five teams signed up which only leaves five more spaces open for any prospective team to join us.

SCBF 2018 "Classic"on Lake Kisimmee

Mike Hampton

The best eleven teams of the club arrived at Lake Kissimmee's Overstreet Landing on Sunday the 26th to find out who would take the 2017-2018 best of the best crown along with bragging rights for the next season. Expectations were high and the lake and weather seemed to be cooperating to make this another fantastic ending to the season that had seen so many club records set or exceeded. It was a great looking morning with the nearly full moon over head and not many clouds to block the sunrise.